Does Cialis Work With Alcohol

Does Cialis Work With Alcohol

does cialis work with alcohol

Does Cialis Work With Alcohol

Erectile dysfunction, which is a sexual disorder, a panacea to cure it is Cialis. In ED, a man loses his sexual capacity due to the contraction of penis muscles. To prevent this sexual disorder, all professional doctors suggest patients take medicine that belongs to a group of PDE5 inhibitors. The medicines which belong to the PDE5 category are Fildena, Vidalista, Cenforce 150 mg, and then, most important, tadalafil 20mg.

Mainly, all medicines have a basic component that provides a firm erection to the penis, Cialis. There are many things to consider while taking Cialis patients. First, one should remember to take Cialis only under a doctor’s guidance; patients will have to experience fatal effects if Cialis is taken with unbalanced food.

Cialis and alcohol effects

Patients think of taking wine with the Cialis but are unaware of the detrimental effects caused by this combination. If Cialis is taken with excessive alcohol, the diseases like hypertension can occur. Due to this, many other side effects happen in the body, such as fainting, dizziness, and headache. People with heart issues should avoid this thing, or else a heart attack can also happen. Cialis and alcohol both act as a vasodilator which slows down blood pressure.

If you are a moderate drinker, Cialis will not negatively affect you. But patients who exceed the limit of a moderate drinker will have to face dangerous diseases like liver infection, kidney infection, and mental issues.

Consult with doctor

No patient can take Cialis of his own free will, doctor’s advice is very important before taking it. The patient should disclose his health history to the doctor along with consultation. This will also make it easier for the doctor to set the dose quantity. You should have absolutely no hesitation in telling how much alcohol you drink daily. So, the amount of alcohol you consume in a day will tell whether your body’s health is safe or not. If you want your health to be protected from deadly diseases, then it is better that you do not drink more than one shot; otherwise, you have to take tadalafil 2.5 mg tablet and fildena 50mg.

Effects on testosterone and estrogen

Testosterone is a hormone that is built in the male’s testes. Mainly, the hormone contributes to good sexual activity. When a person takes Cialis after drinking too much alcohol, the level of this hormone drops to a great extent.

Estrogen is a hormone produced in women associated with the growth of reproduction and sexual characteristics in women. Consuming Cialis after drinking extravagant and then having intercourse can be equally harmful to women. The level of estrogen production in ladies will increase to a great extent. A man’s reduced testosterone level combined with an increased level of women’s estrogen level can cause undesirable effects in both of their bodies.

Keep in mind

A glass of wine with Cialis is not harmful, but the excessive consumption of alcohol may lead to unwanted side effects in a man and women. So if you want safe and good sex, keep all these things in your mind rather than taking medicines such as fildena xxx 100mg and vidalista 40 mg.

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