How Does Viagra Affect Your Eyes

How Does Viagra Affect Your Eyes

How Does Viagra Affect Your Eyes (Cen)?

Erectile dysfunction is the most common problem seen in males; various medications are available for treating the problem. Mainly people rely on Viagra as it is a medicine that has the most negligible side effects and will offer long-lasting results. But after complete research on this medicine, an idea is formed that if you keep taking medicine for a long time, it might affect your vision in the long run.

Are There Any Effects Of Ed Medicine Like Fildena 150 On The Eyes?

Yes, there can be effects on the vision of the person if they will continue to have medicine like Fildena 150 for treating problems like erectile dysfunction. Especially if the age of the male is high, then the chance of complication is more, and even the display of such severe side effects is there.

There are various vision-related problems that a person can face if they will take the medicine for a long time, including:

  • Detachment of the retina
  • Retina vascular occlusion
  • Ischemic optic neuropathy

What Is The Connection Between Viagra And Eyesight?

In the starting time, the use of medicine like Cenforce 100 and Viagra was mainly done to have control over the blood pressure level, which is a must to indulge in sexual activity. It was framed in the conclusion that the drugs contained in the medicine would lead to the erection in the penis.

But with time, as the males kept on adding it to their chart, they found a development of a loss of eyesight that creates complications. If the dose of the medicine increases or there is a change in the time, then the chance that a person will face loss of vision will improve.

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Is Having The Medicine Cause Dryness In The Eyes?

Having the problem of dry eyes can turn out to be severe in the future. If you have the medicine to treat the ED, like Fildena, super active for a long time, you might start noticing the symptoms like dry eye and water coming from the eyes. The issues that a person will face might vary based on the stamina of the person who is consuming the medicine.

How Long Will A Person Face With Blue Vision After Having Viagra?

It is a normal idea that by having such medicine, a person can face the problem of temporary loss of vision. Mainly it will last for a person about 2 hours. After this time, the condition of the person will start to improve, and they can feel far better than the time when they had some of the symptoms of the medicine.

But if the loss of vision is at a higher level, then there are chances that it will get back within a period of about 21-25 days, which is not that long time.

Who Should Not Take Viagra?

It is not the case that all the people facing the problem of the ED can take medications like Viagra, fildena 100mg. There is some limitation that has been set for the people who can take medicine at a specific time.

In case the person is facing the problem of the heart or the liver, then in no way can they take the medicine. In case after the complete checkup, doctors suggest that they can take medicine, then they can take medicine at any time.

What Are The Problems That Are Caused By Viagra?

There is not just a single side effect that can be caused by taking a medicine like Viagra. There can be some problems that can be by taking the medicine, including the loss of hearing and eyesight. In case the person gets trapped in a heart attack, then they should in no way take medicine and avoid its use.

What Are The Various Ed Problems That Can Cause Vision Problems?

If you take a medicine like Cenforce 150 for treating the ED, there can be complications related to the vision. If there are any eye issues, there can be some complications. You can consult with the doctors who will guide you a complete detail as to how and when to have the medicine to reach the required results.


Danver Williams

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