Top 5 Vitamins for Erectile Dysfunction Which Ones Could Help?

Top 5 Vitamins for Erectile Dysfunction Which Ones Could Help?

5 Top Vitamins For Erectile Dysfunction

In the contemporary world, several people are suffering from the diseases but now the trending disease, and every fourth person suffers from erectile dysfunction.  When a man’s penis does not get a firm erection in the penis, then it would be the greatest symbol of erectile dysfunction. When a little mishap occurs in the body, a man first tries a home remedy.

Similarly, during erectile dysfunction symptoms, a man tries to get a hard erection by home supplements and herbs. It is also a good solution rather than going to the medical side. With sufficient vitamins, a man boosts sex performance on the bed and satisfies the partner. Among all treatments of ED, the scientifically proven treatment is fildena 50mg because it belongs to the category of PDE5 inhibitors, which resist the path of growth hormone that is cGMP. Besides medicines, Vitamins are also very productive in curing sexual disorders, such as Vitamin B9, L-arginine, Vitamin C, etc. You may get the detail of all responsible vitamins with the below points.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is a highly productive treatment for hardening arteries and permits fluent blood circulation in the body. As you know, heart disease is a common risk factor in people suffering from sexual disorders. To reduce the heart risk factor, doctors recommend patients take Vitamin B9 regularly. As per studies, professionals emphasize that reducing heart disease with vitamin B9 can also improve erectile dysfunction and liberate libido a good amount. Below listed are the food items that contain Vitamin B9,

  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Papaya
  • Cereals, pasta, and rice
  • Avocados
  • Legumes, lentils, beans, and peas
  • Eggs
  • Citrus fruits

In the greed of great erection, one should make sure not to consume vitamin b9 more than the extent. It has major side effects such as restless sleep, hypertension, bloating, and acidity. So, you can consult with a doctor to know about the proper dose to steer clear of these side effects.

Vitamin D

Various studies have proven that people suffering from erectile dysfunction can also be deficient in vitamin D. When the level of Vitamin D is adequate, the testosterone level is also regulated properly. It provides a firm erection in the penis. As you know, Vitamin D maximum present in the sun, so if your body lacks it then take the maximum advantage from it.

  • Fatty fish
  • Egg yolks
  • Mushrooms
  • Vitamin-D

There are not too many side effects of getting vitamin D in great quantity; still, you must be cautious about consuming it.

Vitamin B3

Niacin is the other popular name for Vitamin B3, and it is a highly effective vitamin in treating erectile dysfunction. For people whose bodies contain a suitable amount of vitamin B3, there is no need to take medicines such as Cenforce 150 and vidalista 40. Mainly, high cholesterol is the biggest reason for erectile dysfunction, so you have the alternative to reduce cholesterol levels by consuming niacin regularly. You can intake niacin by eating below food;

  • Mushrooms
  • Green peas
  • Avocado
  • Chicken breast

The general side effect seen in the body after consuming maximum niacin is skin flushing. So it is mandatory to take a limited amount of Vitamin B3 in routine. Otherwise, you have to face many more side effects such as blurred vision, liver issues, and nausea.

Vitamin C

While having an erection, a man’s body eliminates nitric oxide. The ascorbic acid, also called vitamin C does not release nitric oxide. When the penis muscles do not work properly and restrict blood flow, only vitamin c clears the path of blood and pushes it to enter in muscles and make the penis erect. So, Vitamin C is the best solution for relaxing muscles to a greater extent. An adequate amount of ascorbic acid can fight upcoming microbes in the body and provide the potential for the immune system. The food that involves Vitamin C is;

  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Watermelon
  • Orange
  • Lemon


The naturally occurring protein in the body is only because of the L-arginine vitamin. It provides consistency to the nitric acid and increases the blood flow to get a better erection in the penis. So, people who have a low level of nitric acid can consume L-arginine, which is present in the below-listed food;

  • Pumpkin
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes

To avoid complications in sexual activity, it would be better to take vitamins and get safe sex. People can also take help from the medicines such as tadalafil 2.5 mg tablet, fildena xxx 100 mg, and tadalafil 20mg.

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